Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Biggest Loser -- Inspirational

I have been watching the biggest loser since the first episode.  Everytime I watch, I get inspired to get off my butt and do something.  Tonight's episode really makes me want to run a marathon, which is ironic because I completely HATE to run, ESPECIALLY long distance (one lap around the track is long distance to me!).  But if Elizabeth (yellow contestant) can do it, by golly, I CAN DO IT. 

I want to start some training for a marathon by doing some 5k's. I want to do my own form of biggest loser for myself.  I will periodically take pictures so I can see for myself some transformation. 

I have been very consistant for the most part in doing Zumba.  At the moment I have a love hate relationship with it, but the love out-weighs the hate.  Any suggestions on how to train for marathons, half-marathons, and 5k's are greatly welcomed and appreciated.  I have about 30 lbs. to lose.  I know it's attainable, some thing that is really hard is that bad food is cheap, healthy foods are expensive.  We are going to have to find away to deal with the cost so that we can limit the cost of doctor visits for the family.  I want my boys to know that being healthy is important.  I need to lead by example!
If only I had my own personal Curtis Stone

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sewing is 'Sew' fun!

My sweet step-mom and dad got me a sewing machine about 3 years ago and I have been lucky to have a mother-in-law who loves to sew and was able to teach me to sew some of the cutest projects.  The latest project is a child's craft apron.  I made it for my oldest son Cody because he is really into drawing and coloring.  His birthday is coming up so what better way to give him a present handmade with love from his mom (and help from his Meme, my mother-in-law). 
Child's Craft Apron

Christmas Lights!

Today, we FINALLY got the icicle christmas lights on the roof and the regular lights on the front deck. I had asked Jacob to put them on at the beginning of the week but he said the clips were breaking off. So, since I was off today I got up on the ladder and started. I got about half way through and he took over. I LOVE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS! The boys were very excited to plug them in tonight and also to be able to watch The Polar Express. A wonderful Christmas movie. When the movie is over we are going to hop in the car and ride around the Big town of Jarrell and look for lights. This season has just begun and we have already been enjoying every moment together.

Jacob putting the finishing touches!

Our Christmas lights!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

This is my FAVORITE time of the year.  CHRISTMAS! The Christmas tree is up with the boys special ornaments they have made over the years either at HIS Kids Preschool or at Jarrell Elementary. I don't know when I will ever NOT put them up on the tree.  I enjoy pulling them out and remeniscing of when they made the craft and who they made it for (mostly for mommy!).  This is the first year I was able to put my great grandmothers (Granny) tree topper that was passed down to me.  It's very sentamental to me that I am able to continue a treasured item on. 

The Christmas shows have already began in full force and it's been quite blissful for the boys.  Right after they ate dinner yesterday, they got a cookie with milk as they watched Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer for a while but then we flipped the channel because Shrek the halls was on, which is more in-the-now for my boys.  The channel ABC Family has it's 25 days of Christmas in which they show Christmas movies every day til Christmas.  What better way to snuggle with the ones I love and watch what brings happiness to my heart!  

Can you tell that I am excited??  =)

This year, I wanted to make our stockings but time (and money) ran out so I purchased $1 stockings and iron-on initials.  The kids enjoyed watching me iron them on.  It will work for this year!  I hope your Christmas adventures are just as full of fun, love and snuggles as ours is.     

Monday, November 29, 2010


One things that I am most thankful for is the wonderful foundation my grandparents made for their family. It is definitely something Jacob and I have both agreed on that we would like to mirror their faith and relationship. Seeing my Mamaw and Papaw play with their great grand kids just fills my heart with love.

During the Thanksgiving holiday, 29 members of our family joined together to enjoy a delicious meal together. The people that I call family I couldn't be more happy to call them that! I love that we were able to sit down and plan to see each other again during summer. To get so many people together at once is difficult when everyone is spread out, so this definitely helps put in stone early on. I can't wait!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Yuck, I barely have enough energy to post about my sickness.  BUT....I said I wanted to get back in the groove of things...So...  Last friday I had a stomach bug that was a doozy on my poor stomach.  I lost 3 lbs in one night.  Great jump start to a lifestyle change in eating (although worst time of year all my favorite holidays!), but it's the worset feeling EVER. 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's a new day!

Hey and friends who follow the Daily Dose of Dotsons.  My apologies for stepping away from the blog, once again life just happened and was too busy for me to sit and write about it.  Of course if you follow me on facebook it's easy to type a quick status or upload a quick picture from my phone.  It's not so easy to blog on the phone (believe me, I tried!). 

But tomorrow is the start of a FRESH NEW MONTH. So, I am going to try and keep up with the daily grind of life and spill it out to my family and friends who enjoy a good laugh.   

Sunday, September 5, 2010

If you don't have something nice to say.....

Last night our family went to the Cedar Park Car Show.  My mom, step dad, and their friends were already there and they had Mason.  Whenever we got their the kids were all playing nearby with other children, so Cody and Hayden ran over their to play too.  It was when my sister (the boys 9 year old aunt) comes up and says Cody said something rude to another boy. She usually likes to see her nephews get in trouble, but Mason agreed that Cody did say something rude. So, I ask....

Whenever she said that Cody had told another boy that he was FAT, I am pretty sure my blood pressure shot right through the sky.  I was very upset at him.  I couldn't believe he had said that.  I am pretty sure that I have taught him better then the way he was last night.  I am big on the phrase: If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all!.  Why he felt led to say this, I have no idea.  He wears glasses and has crossed eyes.  He is the last one to be talking about others.  We are having quite some trouble with him and his lying, hitting, whining, and just being rude and disobedient.  I don't want to have to deal with him going to jail later in life because of disrespect and not obeying rules so I will address this issue until it's nipped in the bud. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

FALL is in the HOUSE!

The past couple of days have teased us with the presence of nice cool weather and smells of the Fall season.  Because of this beautiful weather, I headed straight to walmart and purchased my first 'pumpkin spice' candle to get my house ready for the Fall season.  With the smell of the lit candles and the beautiful weather, I say bring on the Fall weather/season. 


Thursday, September 2, 2010

My thoughtful husband!

Since last week, my husband, Jacob, has been doing things that have made our marriage even better.  I am a person who thinks the small things out-do the big things in marriages.  I prefer my husband to help me around the house then him buying me gifts or flowers. 

I must brag a bit about what he did today!  First off, I received a text saying that the song playing on 100.7 was his song to me.  At the time he sent that text my phone was dead.  =(      

Whenever I got home and charged my phone and actually received this text I was sad that I wasn't able to listen to the song that he thought of me.  It was whenever he came home he had picked (off a plant in our back yard) the most beautiful flower. Not only did he pick the most beautiful flower but he showed me on youtube the cutest song.  It was Uncle Kracker's Smile.  I am very fortunate to still be in love with my high school sweet heart.  Our love seems to grow daily. 

Listen to Uncle Kracker SMILE

Day at my grandparents...

Today I was asked to help my mom clean up her house which is connected to my grandparents house.  I LOVE going to my grandparents house because it's full of memories and love. 

After I finished cleaning, I went over to visit with my Mamaw and Papaw.  Papaw was finishing up his bedroom project which consists of painting and putting in a beautiful wood floor.  I know he loves me so much, he calls me beautiful everytime he sees me and gives me a kiss!  I sure hold a special place in my heart for my grandparents.  Mamaw is very loving as well.  I haven't seen her in quite sometime, so catching up was so much fun. 

They have been married for over 50 years, and their love is still strong!  I hope Jacob and I can grow old and stay in love just like them!  They value God and family so much...  Such amazing role models.


This is the start of my two sons, 3rd week in school.  I really think this year has started off perfect because of the routine we have set in place for the boys.  In the evening, the boys shower, brush their teeth, get baby lotioned up and then our whole family meets in our bedroom for reading time (in which we read a different book each night). We pray over our sons and then tuck them in their beds with a kiss and "I love you". 

In the morning, since their bus picks them up at 7:00 am, I wake them up at 6:45 am and since I have their clothes picked out the process of getting dressed is less stressed and just a matter of putting them on.  They brush their teeth and we walk out the door around 6:55 am, in which, I pray over them and then they hop on the bus. 

Each year gets better and better when it comes to organization and routine.  I am very happy with this routine!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

"I don't want want to be a baby anymore....."

This morning I woke the boys up so we could get ready for church.  All 3 of our boys have nicknames: Tody, Mase, and Baby Carrot.  I won't go into detail on why we have came up with these but it just fits them. 

I was trying to wake the "baby carrot" up and mentioned his name to get up.  He told me as clear as day, "I don't want to be a baby anymore....I want to be a ROCKSTAR!".  Mason overheard him say that and said that he wanted to be included in being a ROCKSTAR.  Cody just assumed he is already one. 

So be watching for the DOTSON BROTHERS being on TV one day.... Whatever they become will be a ROCKSTAR in their mommy's eyes.   =) 

Friday, August 27, 2010

First experience with the SCHOOL BUS!

The second day of school was a very scary day for me as a mother.  My sister-in-law picked up the boys that day, but whenever she went to pick Mason up they told her he was on the bus yet Cody was there ready to be picked up.  She immediately contacted me to let me know.  At this point I was very upset because I had no idea where his teacher would have thought I would have said to put him on the bus.  I didn't know where the bus route or number of the bus.  So I called the school to try and locate my son.  It took too long before I knew exactly where my son was.  I honestly didn't feel they were as concerned as I thought they should have been.  Eventually he made it home, my scenario was my little pre-ker was on the bus scared to death because his big brother wasn't there with him.  I asked him if he was ok whenever he got off the bus and his response was: THAT WAS AWESOME MOMMY, can I ride the bus EVERYDAY?!  Which in turn made Cody think, Hey that's not fair how come he gets to ride the bus and not me.  So, I have allowed them to ride the bus to and from school.

In the morning the bus picks them up at 7am.  After they get dressed, brush teeth and get the bags on, we go out there about 5-10 minutes early to have a little prayer time and talk.  They drop off at 4:45pm, in which I we walk and talk about the day at school. Hayden can't WAIT to ride the bus.  I love these sweet boys so much.

CPR/First Aid and Super Hero Capes....?

Yesterday evening I had to go to my school for a CPR/First aid training.  Anytime I leave the house without my boys and husband, my boys always ask questions where, why, how? 

They are very curious little boys.  So whenever they asked where I was going I told them I had to go to CPR/First Aid training.  Then the following question why?  I told them I had to learn how to save people.  They automatically assumed I was going to save someone from drowning.  Mason then said, "Mommy, are you taking your cape?"  I asked him, "what cape?"  He proceeded, "Are you going to wear a super hero cape to rescue people?"  I thought that was the most absolute cutest thing ever.  Mason left the room because I told him the clothes that I was wearing were my 'super hero clothes' to save people.  Hayden was still in the room, so I asked him if I could borrow one of his capes.  He said YES, let me go get it.  He comes back and says, I can't find it.

The moral to this sweet story is that, ANYONE who is rescuing people or a person is like a Super Hero in little kids eyes, or at least 3 little boys that I know! 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Our journey to becoming a "No Ordinary Family"

Three days ago began a new journey for myself and my family.....


The deletion of my facebook is only temporary, but I feel it will be a good thing for me to work on self- discipline.  The theme for our family for the rest of the year is Self Discipline

Not only myself, but my little family will be working on many different aspects that deal with this.  For example, there are some sunday mornings, we just do not want to get up and go to church.  God gave his son to die on the cross, getting up to go to church and serve is the LEAST that we can do for him. 

My family is my life, and if I am spending time on facebook, my time with them are getting cut down.  Another hobby I am going to be cutting down is Softball.  Softball has became almost an everyday part of our life.  I will be only playing tournaments here and there.  I enjoy supporting my husband playing, but my duty is to be a wife/mother first and everything else comes after that.  Self discipline applies to all these scenarios, in different ways. 

My main focus, for the REST of my life is GOD, FAMILY, and FRIENDS, in that exact order.

Blogging will be my source of communicating to those who don't see me or my familly as often as others.  Please continue to keep up with our family on here.  God is going to be working diligently in our lives.  I just know it!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Wow, what a day.  Full of all kinds of emotions. This morning was kind of hard for myself to wake up but once I remembered how special today was I quickly popped up and went and woke Mason up so he could go potty.  He was very happy to not have an accident and that today was THE day!  We had already laid his clothes out and so he went to where they were laying and got dressed.  After he got dressed he went and laid with his daddy for a few minutes of cuddle time. 

After getting Mason all ready, I went and tried to wake Cody up.  Expecting him to whine about having to get up, he just popped up as well. He also got dressed quickly and was ready to go.  So I surprised them, and said after they brushed their teeth we would head to McDonald's for a Special breakfast.  Of course that isn't going to happen anymore (well maybe here and there) they were so happy and excited.  When we got there we saw other kiddos in their cute outfits for school.  I brought the food and my school boys ate all of their 'BIG BREAKFAST'.  I'm telling you, these boys can eat.  I may have to take food donations when they become teenagers. 

Whenever we walked the boys into the school, it was a MAD HOUSE.  There was adults and children EVERYWHERE. I really hope by next week they get a routine down that actually works.  We had to take the boys to the gym and their classes were lined up by the teacher they had.  We dropped Mason off and then went and took Cody.  Jacob stayed with Cody and I went back to Mason just to wait and see what needed to be done.  I was watching as this parent behind me was almost uncontrollably crying as her daughter was like "um, mom please stop or I am about to bust out and cry!".  I was trying to be the adult and be strong for my little pre-ker so he knew school was actually cool and fun.  It was time for goodbye's and we departed in which seemed like for a few minutes because before I knew it I was heading back to the school to pick up my big boys.

Same as the morning, it was crazy hectic trying to get both boys and get back to the vehicle.  Tomorrow I will be getting there at 2:45pm to be sure I am first in line!  First thing Mason asked for was a McDonald's happy meal.  Of course since today was a SPECIAL DAY, I gave him.  I need to back up a bit, as soon as we got into our truck, Cody had blood on his mouth, his tooth was hanging by a little bit of his gums.  I got a napkins and pulled it!  The permanent tooth had already came in behind the tooth.  Cody really took from today at school to be obedient and do what your parents.  He was using his manners and actually doing what I asked without WHINING! 

I had a meeting at work this evening (which I hate evening meetings because I live far and get home late late). Jacob had stuff to do where he had to take the boys.  They didn't get in the shower until 9:45pm.  I felt really bad for them.  I prayed that God would let them sleep so good and give them enough energy to get through the day.  All 3 are passed out.  I am so ready for my head to hit the pillow and my eyes to roll on back.

Good Night and God bless.

Object Lesson About Priorities of Life

Object Lesson about Priorities of Life

A philosophy professor once greeted his new class with this object lesson:

He had an empty, clean quart jar that he held up to the class.

In this he poured some rocks about the size of a half dollar. He poured them in until the jar was full. Then he asked the class was the jar full indeed. They all answered that it was full.

The professor then took a bag of smaller pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook it so they would fall into the spaces between the larger rocks. The class laughed.

Once again, he asked, "Is the jar full?"

The class all answered again that it was full.

This time he picked up a cup of sand and poured it into the jar. Naturally, it filled up any left spaces as he shook it. He told his class to recognize that this represented their life. The rocks are the important things such as {GOD}, your family, your partner {SPOUSE), your children, your health, or anything so important to you that you would be nearly devastated if you lost it.

The pebbles are the other things in life that matter such as your house, job and car. The sand is everything else. The small stuff in life.

If you put the sand or the pebbles in the jar first, there will be no room for the rocks. Same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on small stuff (material things), you will never have any time for the things that are truly most important. Pay attention to the things that are most critical in your life. Tell your spouse you love her, spend time playing with your children, take your spouse out dancing, take time for medical checkups. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party, or fix the disposal.

Take care of the rocks first, the things that really matter to you. Set your priorities. The rest is just pebbles and sand!

Copied the italic paragraphs from: http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/beautyrecipes/LifePriorities.html
Pictures from: http://tarasuetakeawalkinmyshoes.blogspot.com/


I had heard of this "lesson" a few years ago and after reading it again today it definitely got my mind working. I question if my "Rocks" are really at the top of my priority list or is the "Sand" more than it should be.

I know my FIRST priority is/needs/wants to be God, why I can't find a simple 15-20 minutes of alone everyday.  So, that is going to be the FIRST thing I get right.  I already go to church regularly but I want that personal relationship with him.  I have already challenged myself to read the entire bible within the next year. 

Next, be more 'Family oriented'.  My family is literally my life, but I can always STRIVE to do better.  I want to do more one-on-one quality time with my boys.  I want to teach them so much about God, obedience, love, respect, trust, honor.  These boys could be the next; President, CEO, architech, doctor, law enforcement, manager, or whatever they put their mind to.  They need to know that we love and support them.   I love love LOVE (did I mention I LOVE) this verse in the bible: "Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hands." Psalm 127:4  My husband has 3 boys he will get to teach how to throw and catch a football/baseball/basketball. Wouldn't be awesome to see that same man teach his sons how to help/share/befriend/love/respect others. Moving on to my neices and nephews, I want to be there for them and their activities.  I want them to know that they are that special to us! We love both sides of our families so much and are very blessed with great wisdom from both.

I could go on and on with this blog post, but you get the idea.  I hope this 'object' lesson helps you with your journey through life.  GOD BLESS!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Twas the night before....Pre-K and 1st Grade!

Twas the night before Pre-K and 1st grade, when all through the house, not a student was stirring, not even; oh wait Hayden is still. The back packs are hung right near their outfits, in hopes that tomorrow's first day will start with NO fits. The boys are snuggled into their beds with letters, numbers and shapes dancing in their heads.

It's amazing to think that at the age of 15 when Jacob and I started dating that we would fast forward 11 years and have 3 boys later, in which, 2 are in elementary and 1 that would love to be going with his big brothers. I have to say that I am BEYOND BLESSED. Sitting here tonight as I am typing, I have a lump in my throat trying to hold myself back from just letting a flood of tears go. I CAN DO THIS.

Whenever we came home from sunday dinner at the in-laws, the boys got in the shower and got good and squeaky clean. I lotioned them up, they brushed their pearly whites and jumped into our bed for a few books and the bible read to them. Jacob prayed over them and then they went to their rooms. Cody had a harder time with being in his room since this summer he 'camped' out on the couch most of the time. So in his mind the couch WAS IN FACT his "Bed". But he has now settled in nicely and is fast asleep. On the other hand, although he did not have a hard time going to his bed, Mason is having a hard time falling asleep. I think all the hype of going to "BIG BOY SCHOOL" has got him jittery. I am just thankful he is being quiet. Now if I could only say the same for Hayden who is just running around here singing his new favorite song: The B-I-B-L-E.

To all my teacher family & friends, I just want you to know that what you are doing, IT'S A BIG DEAL and you are making a BIG DIFFERENCE in the lives of the next generations of Presidents, law makers, doctors, law enforcements, teachers, managers, etc. So from little ol me to you: THANK YOU!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I am TERRIBLE at starting things and finishing them, so this challenge will be a biggie if I ACTUALLY finish!

Ok, so I am a HUGE fan of challenging myself to do different things. My last challenge was to not drink sweet tea for a month and you know it, I SUCCEEDED! So, this time I wanted to work on my personal relationship with Jesus Christ and what better way to do so than to read the LIVING WORD that is GOD BREATHED. I have already started Genesis and everytime I have attempted to read the entire bible, I end up stopping in Exodus because of all the families and their names and it was a little boring to me, but I am ready to read some amazing stories. The Bible is a romance, drama, comedy, horror all rolled into one great story! There are 66 books in the bible and 2199 pages in the New Living Translation Bible I have. Wish me luck on my journey (or a quick prayer would be nice).

I love you THIS MUCH!

My favorite thing to do as a parent/mommy is question my sons love for me. I will ask them "How much do you love me?" and in return they stretch their arms out as wide as they can go and say "THIS MUCH MOMMY!". Which in return, I stretch mine as far as they can go and tell them I love them this much too and then I wrap my arms around them and kiss them. This is one ritual I hope continues in our family. It's simple but the boys absolutely love it.

As I was laying in bed this morning just meditating on God's love for me and everyone else, it dawned on me that God also 'proved' his love for us by stretching his arms as wide as they could go on the cross for all those who questioned,he said; "I LOVE YOU THIS MUCH!". I will teach my sons this concept when they get a bit older, but as an adult I just love the fact that God came from heaven in form of man, Jesus, to show love/passion for people by dying on the cross for ALL our sins. Thank you Lord for you mercy and grace.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Words from Christine Caine and my thoughts...

I went to my church (Celebration Church) women's event who our guest speaker was non-other than: CHRISTINE CAINE from Hillsong Church in Australia who is also the lady who started up A21 which helps women who have been slaves of human trafficking. First off, I want to give props to Celebration's worship team who did a wonderful job worshipping our sweet heavenly father. I could definitely sense His prescense and I was pumped.

If you have read my previous blogs you will know I have ADD and to be tuned in COMPLETELY for a straight hour and a half is REALLY good for me! She had my whole mind, heart and soul on hanging onto every word that came out her mouth. I didn't want it to end. She spit out many verses from the bible and I will put those on here so you are able to search your bible and read the wonderful word of God.

One of her biggest points that really just stuck in my head and heart was the as a Christian and as the Body of Christ, we need to fulfill our place in the church because the church needs to be reaching out and saving the lost and broken world. It's our time as Christians to reach out and show his love and help those who need help. It our time to step out of our box of comfort and step in faith.

Some of her main points from last night were:





Verses she refered to:

*LUKE 10:33 *EZEKIEL 36:26
*ROMANS 8:19 *ISAIAH 1:12-17
*JOHN 4:35 *LUKE 9:59-62

After the event, I eagerly rushed to the booth where her books were being sold. I could't wait to buy the "Can I have and do it all, please?". So, after $15 later, chapters in, I have; laughed and thought hard about what she has said. One thing that jumped out at me and I want to share before I get off is:

"It is no coincidence God gave each of us a distinct set of markings unique to every person alive or who has ever lived: THE FINGERPRINT. Even identical twins aren't 100% identical becvause each has a different pattern on their fingertips. I believe this is one of the ways God reminds us that each of us is an ORIGINAL, a unique person with a unique purpose."

Now that is AWESOME, to think that I, Sandi Dotson, is an original that God created. God is so AMAZING, take him out of your small box, because he is so so so much bigger than you realize! God Bless....

Friday, July 30, 2010

Oldies but goodies (in reference to friends!)

After I posted the blog about our 'new friends', I thought about all my 'oldies-but-goodies' friends who have a HUGE SPECIAL PLACE IN OUR HEARTS. We are so very blessed to have each one of you in our lives. We appreciate your words of encouragement, prayers, cries, laughs (lots of those), jokes (dirty mostly!), dinner together, support, socials, PARTIES, CHURCH and of course SOFTBALL.

We just hope we are half of the friend to yall as you guys/gals have been to us! Love you friends 4 life.

*To the friends we make on our journey through life, we can't wait to meet you!

New friends....

Jacob and I are pretty outgoing people and love to chit chat it up with just about anyone. Ok, more me than Jacob, but he has become friends with one of the sweetest couples. Eric and Lindsey Dady. Eric plays with Jacob in softball, so that is how they met. It's been great to watch Jacob with his buddies, and I have really enjoyed getting to know their wives (& kids).

Well, today we invited the "Who's your" Dady's for dinner at non-other: Chili's. Great time spent. Mason has taken a liking to Eric, POOR GUY. It ended up being a nice (fairly quiet) evening, and yes the boys were there too! We did have to rush off quickly because I was picked up to play softball (which is another blog, but too much for this evening!). Can't wait to have more family outings or innings (lol, just came up with that one!) with the Dady's...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Progress with Projects!

I am VERY excited that I am finally seeing PROGRESS on our PROJECTS!!!!!!

I do want to thank my hubs, Jacob, for doing the finishing touches on the tape & float and texturing (and possible painting tomorrow)my room will be COMPLETE; aside the minor things as new comforter (I have my eye set on a nice cheap one at Wally World!), decorating and changing the carpet (but that is LONG way from now project).

Then it's on to finishing texturing the living room and painting and we found cheap nice tile we have our eyes on for POSSIBLY changing the carpet out in the living room. Then of course is the long term 'decorating' of the space. Then it's on to Cody's room, playroom, touch up the little boys room, both bathrooms and so on.

Now this is what the married life is ALL ABOUT...PROJECTS! PROJECTS! PROJECTS! We can't wait to have a party once the main part (living room) is complete, because we MUST celebrate completion. It's a big deal when you are ADD! =)

I need to add that the playroom is getting almost all organized. The boys will be very happy to have their area back up and running. It's been the extended laundry area for awhile. Jacob is making me a laundry area aside the playroom. I love my handy man!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A case of the mondays on a tuesday!

I don't know what it was but today I was 'not-in-the-mood' for anyones shinanagans today. I work with kids which I truly enjoy for many different reasons, but one that stands out most is; MOST kids listen to me reguardless. WELL NOT TODAY! Today should have been designated CRY DAY. I actually would have loved to have joined in with the group. But I am a professional and had to set aside my 'issues' and be a grown up. By the end of my work day I was so exhausted and just DONE.

Got home, and my sweet husband 'kind of' gave me a back massage(as long as we have been married, I will take what I can get!), which ended into locking of the door and...oh wait this is PG, well I ended up have a PANICK ATTACK, first time for everthing I guess. After I calmed down, I turned on music which is a soothing comfort for me. Kim Walker was singing 'Happy Day' and the first verse and chorus says:

Greatest day in history
Death is beaten
You have rescued me
Sing it out Jesus is alive!

The empty cross, the empty grave
life eternal
You have won the day
Shout it out Jesus is alive!
He is alive!

Chorus :
Oh happy day, happy day!
You wash my sin away!
Oh happy day, happy day!
I'll never be the same
Forever I am changed!

It was JUST what I needed to hear. I was instantly encouraged, pumped, excited, eager, etc. I know hormones played a big part in the 'Debbie Downer' in me today, but I shouldn't let that get the best of me. God has already BEAT my bad day. So, OH HAPPY DAY!

I was so encouraged, we loaded up the boys and went and ran a mile. I have gained 2-3 lbs. and it has got me in a funk. I have started a little workout and eating better to get that weight down. Jacob is cooking tostados and taco salads for dinner. Such a huge relief since whenever I got home I had done a load of dishes and washed a few that needed extra washing.

Things are changing around the Dotson house, FOR THE GOOD!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Welcome back....

Every once in awhile life catches up to me and I tend to 'do life' and forget to record it. Well, I'M BACK, once again. Excited to share to my family and new/old friends from near and a far.

Too much to catch you up on, so I will start fresh and clean with the next endeavors. Although, I did watch the movie 'Julie and Julia' which actually reminded me that I even had a blog! (Ha!) It was very encouraging in so many different ways, such as; cooking (and not your ordinary cooking, but delicates.), being in love, and finishing things you start (oops!).

So from here on out, I am going to try my best (my very absolute best) to finish everything I start. STARTING TOMORROW! Good night!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Re-potty training??

Yes, I know. I put the question marks there because I question why this has happened, but Mason (our 4 year old) has reverted back to peeing on himself. For the most part he can BM in the potty, but on occasion he has those accidents. Yesterday alone he had 6 pee accidents. I call it lazy but doctors might call it a small bladder.

My question is: Do I put him back in Pull-ups to save on having to wash many underwear or do I leave him in the underwear and just set a timer so that he goes/tries every 30 minutes?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hayden's NEW set of glasses!

Hayden at 2 years old

Hayden at 18 months

I have 2 boys that have strabismus and bad vision. They both wear bifocals. We ordered Hayden's last sunday because the last pair he had, the dog chewed up. These will hopefully be better since they are metal frames instead of plastic frames. It's a blessing that we have really good insurance that we were able to splurge and get him Tommy Hilfiger brand glasses. He's one cute little boys with that fro of red curly hair and freckles but once you add those glasses, instantly an adorable little boys!

We have scheduled their eye appointment, which is the best pediactric opthamologist in Texas. It takes us 4 months to get in. Cody (6 year old) will most likely have surgery to correct his eye muscle. In the mean time we are having to be tough mommy and daddy and patch the good eye and allow him to work the bad eye out! That is our goal to do that an hour at the least everyday until that June appointment. Please pray for immediate help.

*Strabismus, more commonly known as cross-eyed or wall-eyed, is a vision condition in which a person can not align both eyes simultaneously under normal conditions. One or both of the eyes may turn in, out, up or down. An eye turn may be constant (when the eye turns all of the time) or intermittent (turning only some of the time, such as, under stressful conditions or when ill). Whether constant or intermittent, strabismus always requires appropriate evaluation and treatment.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day one

Today I started my new goal for this month. I have picked up a habit of drinking way too much sweet tea. I love it. So for this month I have challenged myself to drink ONLY water. NO sweet tea, sodas (which I don't have a problem with that), beer, wine, or anything except WATER. I know I don't know why I did this to myself but again this is day one and I have craved sweet tea all day. But I am hoping for a good outcome!

I also did a small goal for the week to work out everyday. So far it's 9pm and I still haven't done my workout. I am still sore from yesterday's ass kicking from Jillian. Today I got a new Jillian (Biggest Loser) DVD workout called CARDIO BLAST. So, I am going to go do that whenever I get off here and the Texas basketball game is off (per my husbands request!).

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

To immunize or not, that is the question?!

Ok, so I have been one of those moms who would rather WAIT to get shots. My babies are just way too little to be getting mercury put into their bodies. I have waited I guess long enough, because I was issued a letter from school saying Hayden has several shots to get before the end of the month! This saddens me, but I guess I have no choice but to go through with it. I am calling the doctor and scheduling his shots for friday. Wish me (and poor baby Hayden) luck and prayers that there won't be any side affects.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Today was just an all around FUN DAY MONDAY! Started off with going to the Parent/Teacher conference with Cody's teacher, took Bailey to the Dog Park and then a picnic and play time at the Wood Park in Georgetown, and finished with hitting at the softball fields.

First off I want to tell everyone how much I adore and respect Cody's teacher. I feel as though I am really close friends with her in such a short time. Cody LOVES and LEARNS so much from Mrs. Puska, so whenever I went in there she greeted my family with open arms (even though the kids weren't supposed to be there, she bent the rules for me!). They sat and played while we got down to business. She said Cody is right where he is supposed to be on his track. We are going to work on encouraging him more on his homework and to bemore confident in himself! I thought it was a great conference.

After the conference, we drove to a friends house so that she could follow us to the Dog Park. We took Bailey and she didn't seem to enjoy the car ride (not because of my driving) because she was in her crate. Whenever we got there Bailey was a little hesitant to enjoy the other dogs but after they sniffed her and she sniffed back it was no holding back for her! We stayed there for about 30 minutes and then headed over to the Wood Park for a sack lunch style picnic. There was 3 moms and 8 kids (7 boys and 1 girl) and we just enjoyed each others company and the kids played non stop all day!

Whenever we came home I was hoping for naps. Hayden was the only one to take a nap! Jacob came home early so then I was able to take a nap, I don't know why I was so exhausted but I slept for a good hour. (Thanks Honey!). After my nap we loaded the boys up and headed to the fields and hit softballs to get ready for our tournament this upcoming weekend. It's been almost 3 weeks since I had touched a softball.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Faith, Friends, Football and Family

Today has been the most beautiful day! God has truly blessed us with a very nice weekend. Yesterday the boys spent most of the day outside. I love those days because that's what it's all about. Playing and enjoying each other. Not just being plopped in front of the tv.

This morning at 5 am, Jacob's co-worker called and said their was an emergency call. So, I had thankfully set my alarm to go off at 8 am to get ready for church. I was able to bathe the boys and get them all ready and to church EARLY!!! That's a BIG TIME WOOHOO for the Dotson Family. I hate being late and Jacob is usually the main reason why we are late for church but if you ask him he will deny the accusation! Anyway, so Jacob was even able to attend so I brought him clothes from home. The last few sundays have been quite nice having a few of our friends attend our church with us. I just love how God is working in their lives and hope they find it comforting and maybe even a place to call "Home".

After church, which was "OFF THE CHAIN" as usual, we headed over to the Sidatt's for lunch. They are always so "hospitable" and getting food together. We were there to watch the Cowboys Football team hopefully continue their winning streak to the Super Bowl. Sadly, the Vikings wanted it a lot more.

Now we are home and the boys are outside yet again. I am about to put a load in from "Mount Wash More" and finish cleaning up the kitchen. I see now why people either eat out or use paper plates because the dishes just grow after using them. Although our dishwasher isn't working at the moment, I have enjoyed handwashing, but now that I am on day 3 of just washing the odds and ends it's quite annoying!

And lastly but certainly not least, on Sundays we join with Jacob's family for a "Dotson Family Meal" in which his siblings and their family all get together for a yummy home cooked meal. It's always nice before a long hard week to be with your loved ones. Of course, tomorrow me and the boys are off school due to MLK Day. We have a lot of fun activities planned with a friend, so we hope the day is as beautiful as this one!

Friday, January 15, 2010


One thing I love most about our church is that when disasters hits Celebration Church is EAGER to serve and help with whatever needs that need to be met at that time.

I said in one of my previous blogs that this year I wanted to be more of a servant for God and with this disaster I am able to do just that. Me and my boys are going to the local grocery store and going to pick up a few items such as: bandaids, diapers, pads and rubbing alcohol.


If you are interested in serving or donating, the above site is our church's website to give you information. Even a pray is greatly appreciated! God Bless.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Let the planning begin!

Well, if you know me at all, I am one of those fly by the seat of my pants type a gal! But not this time. I am ready to plan, plan, plan for Hayden's 3rd birthday.

Our date is set (MARCH 20th), theme picked (LEGOS), and cupcakes ordered (Thanks Lee!). Now I just need to put together a marvelous party invitation and think of a budget friendly (yet adorably) cute goody bag.

I get VERY EXCITED when it comes to my boys birthdays. Even if they don't remember it's just something I enjoy doing (the planning and pulling together part and of course the LONG nap after everyone leaves the party part!).

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dinner at the Dotsons!

Every sunday since I have been with Jacob they have had Sunday dinners where all siblings come together with their families and eat dinner. I have TRULY enjoyed this time together. It's such a bonding experience in which I would LOVE to do when my boys are older.

At times it does get hectic with 3 girls and 4 boy cousins all get together. But to me it's worth every 'annoying' scream, because they are only young once. My boys LOVE their cousins so much and I really enjoyed growing up with my cousins and I want the bond we had when I was young.

Tonight was VERY interesting. Some of our friends came over to join the family dinner and we got into the "not at the table" talk. I guess that is why I fit into this family so well, because I was right on in there with the comments. I love my family and my "married" into family so much! God has AMAZINGLY blessed me abundantly.

My boys are bathed and PASSED out and I am going to get their clothes layed out to make my morning a much easier task. I am taking left-over Chicken fried steak, salad and corn. Don't be jealous!

*Above picture is me in my Mother-in-laws SNUGGIE!!! I loved it and want one for my house!


These blogs are about my family and not to be interpreted that it's about someone else! Just wanted to clarify.... ;-)

FUEL-What are you running on?

Church was so uplifting today, oh wait every sunday is uplifting. To me everytime I walk into those doors God meets me where I am that day, whether it being the best day or my worst.

Today's sermon topic was over FUEL - What are you running on? Good Fuel or False Fuel? Some of the False fuels are: Fuel of Self, Fuel of Money and Fuel of Pleasure. I am pretty sure I could fall into any of those and that is something I want to CHANGE in 2010. I want to be Fueled by HIS WILL. And I can be if I stay in the word, SERVE, and worship God fully.

I am very excited for this year for my family and our FAITH. We plan to start serving in our church which has been a HUGE goal for us. We also discussed about TITHING 10% (give back what God has blessed us with!). It's been tough for us so we haven't had the opportunity but if we only give whenever we have money than it's not by FAITH. So whether we have 2 dollars or 200 dollars we are going to set aside that FIRST whenever we get paid.

To my friends who are looking for a Church home, I ask that you try out Celebration Church. Your eyes will be truly opened to God's Love and Compassion shown through his people.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I love all movies......except!

Yesterday we wanted to have a dinner and movie night at home. So, Jacob thought he would run out and get the movies while I was finishing up cleaning. (Isn't that what all men do, run from the cleaning!? That's a whole different blog topic!)

Whenever he came home and gave me the movies, the first one I always look for is the kids movie because he ALWAYS gets a movie that they have either ALREADY seen or ALREADY have. Yes in this case he got them a movie they have seen and really didn't particularly like. But oh well, we have the Disney Channel. Then I looked at what he brought us: Bruno & Lies and Illusions.

Bruno was extremely disgusting. Unless you enjoy GAY stuff, this is the movie for you! Lies and Illusions was TERRIBLE and I went to bed before it was over.

In conclusion, Jacob is NEVER allowed to pick out movies AGAIN and I HATE those movies! I must change how I LOVE ALL MOVIES~!

I'M BACK......

Ok so I have been away since OMG March of 2009. So sorry. Quick up to dates. My baby Hayden is POTTY TRAINED! I have a 6 year old, 4 year old and 2 year old. Still married to my high school sweetheart almost 7 years this May. Still teaching at HIS Kids (4th year). We live in Jarrell (been here for a year). We have a chocolate lab puppy named Bailey (it's a girl). I am bound and determined to be more proactive on this blog! Thanks to my family and friends. So, if you want to know what's going on, just check out the DOTSON ILLUSTRATED BLOG!